Friday, December 31, 2010

Gingerbread House

First of all, I can't believe I haven't made a blog post since Halloween. Bad girl, bad girl!!!!

Since Preston is really into helping and crafts (thanks to Kym), we thought it would be fun to try making one of the pre-made, glue everything together with icing gingerbread houses. So the weekend before Christmas, the magic happened. Peter working on the icing while Preston and I  got the candy ready. Well a half hour later plus a few swear words that Peter was muttering under his breath, we were ready to roll. (Evidently the icing direction that came with the kit were totally wrong and since we had never done this before.....) Anyway, we had a ton of fun!!! As I put the icing on, Preston decorated and sampled a few. You could tell by the smile on his face that he was proud of his accomplishment.

Here are the pics:

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