Friday, July 30, 2010

Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz NY

Every year Peter's work hosts an annual meeting. It's a 2 day event filled of fun, food and meetings and luckily for me, spouses are invited. For the past few years the meeting has been held in Saratoga so everyone can enjoy the track, golf and fancy restaurants but this year they decided to try something new. We just spent 2 days at the Mohonk Mountain House located 6 miles from exit 18 off the thruway. Let me just say, this place blew Saratoga away. We had a blast!!! There was so much to do and not enough time to do it. And all of this was topped off by some of the most delicious food I've ever had!!! One of the best things we did was hike up to the sky top monument tower. The view was amazing!! All along the trail there were places you could stop to enjoy the view and it just got better the higher we went. Once you get to the monument you can actually go inside and go to the top. It's awe inspiring to be able to look out over the world and realize how small we really are. One way or another we will definitely go back. It was even fun and a little bit scary just driving up the mountain to get there. So here are some pictures. They start out by the resort and work their way up to the top of the monument. You can see the resort getting smaller and smaller. Enjoy!!!





Penny said...

Awesome!!!! I'll have to check it out for a possible get-a-way trip.

Kym said...

WOW! That is amazing!