Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!!

Well today is the day our little man turns 2!!!! I can't believe it! What an amazing 2 years it has been. I don't even know where to begin. What do I talk about first? Let's see....... as of right now Preston is still obsessed with cars, trucks, buses, trains, tractors, and any moving vehicle that you can think of. I've noticed lately that his two word sentences are becoming three and four word sentences. His vocabulary is growing like crazy. We love singing and doing the itsy bitsy spider on the way to Kym's. He is out of his high chair (since December) and into a booster seat or "big boy" chair. We have definitely had some terrible two moments!!! Preston loves testing mommy and saying no. I do have my secret weapon.......John Deer truck fruit chewies. I can get him to do almost anything with those. LOL!!! He loves running around the house yelling "Ready, Set, Go!!!!!" I don't think there has been a day that goes by that he hasn't put a smile on my face for some reason or another. The other day when we were in the car, I thought he was saying poop, poop but then I finally realized he was saying juice!!! He wanted his juice cup. I said, "Oh, you want your juice." He said "yes... silly goose!!" He definitely has a good sense of humor. My favorite time is when we snuggle on the couch. I think I could go on and on forever but I will spare you. No pictures this time. We are having a party on Saturday, so there will be plenty to come. Lastly, I would just like to say Happy Birthday Preston!!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and we can not wait to see what the next year brings!!!


Kym said...

Ditto! He is an absolute joy to be around! Hugs, kisses and noggins! Happy Birthday to the bestest little boy I know!

Brian Calabrese said...

wish i could have been there to celebrate